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Macedonia Pilot Curriculum Draft: "Law and Public Health"
Joint curriculum prepared by two faculties (Medicine/Public Health and Law); course designed for graduate level law students and graduate level public health students. The goals of the class include: 1. Enabling students with leadership, advisory, management and analytical skills with specialized know how in dealing with public health legal affairs aimed to improve community health. 2. Enabling students with the skills to adopt and implement the concept of law, public health and human rights in the public health sector in the Republic of Macedonia 3. Gaining analytical skills to assess and evaluate conditions in the public health sector and the implications of human rights to specific policies and strategies for prioritization of government interventions in health.
Written by:
Prof. D-r Borce Davitkovski Prof. D-r Jovanka Bislimovska
Prof. D-r Nikola Tupanceski Prof. D-r Zdravko Cakar
Ass. Prof. D-r Ana Pavlovska-Daneva Prof. D-r Mome Spasovski
Ass. M-r Aleksandra Deanoska Ass. Prof. D-r Elena Kosevska
I. Data on the Subject Director
Academic Degree:
Academic Title:
II. Subject Lecturers
Name Surname and Academic Degree:
Other Engaged Lecturers:
- eminent field experts |
III. Program Goals:
- Enabling students with leadership, advisory, management and analytical skills with specialized know how in dealing with public health legal affairsaimed to improve community health.
- Enabling students with the skills to adopt and implement the concept of law, public health and human rights in the public health sector in the Republic of Macedonia
- Gaining analytical skills to assess and evaluate conditions in the public health sector and the implications of human rights to specific policies and strategies for prioritization of government interventions in health.
- Developing normative skills necessary to prepare regulations in the field of public health
5.Developing skills and knowledge in the field of patient right protection
6.Gaining knowledge and skills to support the status of public health servants and realizations of their rights and obligations in practicing their duties
Subject Information
Law and Public Health
Subject Code: |
Credits: 6 (six) |
Hours in total: 42 |
Amount of obligatory literature: up to330 pages
Week 1:
Topic: THE SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATION OF HEALTH PROTECTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 1. Definition and types of institutions 1.1. Health institutions, management, quality, equipment/technology and ethics 1.2. Public and private institutions 2. Definition of public health sector 2.1.Models of remuneration, provision, distribution and financing health services 3. Organization of public health 3.1.Registration, operations and accreditation 2. Public health legal framework in the Republic of Macedonia 2.1.Law on Institutions 2.2.Law on health care 2.3. Law on health insurance Methodology: Class/Lecture (due to the nature of subject this topic will be covered through interactive lectures) Number of hours for topic: 4,5 hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Health Additional literature: 1.Law on Institutions, 2.Law on Health Care, 3.Law on Health Insurance, 4.Health Systems in transition The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Gjorgjev D. and other authors: Copenhagen, WHO (on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies), 2006 5. BIS Health Care: Strategy for licensing and accreditation of doctors in the Republic of Macedonia Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Week2: Topic: THE SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATION OF HEALTH PROTECTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 1.Administrative authorities competent for public health in the Republic of Macedonia 1.1. Ministry of Health 1.1.1.Organizational structure of the Ministry of Health 1.1.2. Competence of the Ministry of Health 1.1.3. Expert supervision 1.1.4. Issuing licenses and permits 1.2. Health Insurance Fond of Macedonia(HIFM) 1.2.1. Organizational structure and legal framework of HIFM 1.2.2. HIFM Competence 1.2.3. Legal procedure for the realization of insurance rights 1.2.4. Contracts for paid health services 2. Public health staff and medical practice: quality control, process of licensing and accreditation 2.1. Chamber of Medicine, Chamber of Dentists, Chamber of Pharmacology;
Methodology: Class/Lecture (due to the nature of subject this topic will be covered through interactive lectures) Number of hours for topic: 4,5 hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Health Additional literature: 1.Law on the organization and operation of administrative authorities 2.Law on Health Care 3.Law on Health Insurance, 4.Code of Medical Deontology 5.Code of Dentist Deontology 6.Code of Professional Ethical Duties and Rights of Pharmacists in Macedonia 7.Rulebook on the doctors of medicine expert exam for issuing a professional license 8.Rulebook on the methodology for issuing, extending, renewing and revoking a professional license Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Week 3: Topic:PATIENS RIGHTS PROTECTION AND HEALTH CARE WORKERS ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Patients rights protection 1.1 Law on patient protection 1.2 Judicial protection of patients rights 2. Criminal accountability for health care workers 2.1 Criminal accountability for incriminating acts according to the Criminal Code 2.2 Criminal accountability for acts provided in specific, non criminal laws 3. Administrative and disciplinary accountability Methodology:Lectures and Exercises Number of hours for topic: 3,5 hours(lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Health Additional literature: 1.Criminal Code 2.Law on state servants 3.Law on administrative disputes 4.Law on patients rights protection 5. Practitioner’s Guide for Patients Rights, OSI Foundation-Medical Faculty 6. Law on the Ombudsman 7.Coteof Medical Deontology Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Week 4: Topic:HEALTH POLITCY AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1.Health perspectives form the aspect of human rights 2.Global trends in public health and a new concept of public health in international and national legislation 3.Health strategies, health policies and national programs – review of Macedonian national health legislation 4. Law, policy and ethics in relation to environmental, labor and social factors of health and disease 5.Human rights in public health policy, health reforms and development Methodology:Lectures and exercises Number of hours for topic: 4hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Health Additional literature: 1. OxfordTextbook of Public Health. 4th edition. Detels R, McEwen J, Beaglehole R, Tanaka H. editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. 3.Prevention programs – Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Health 4.The New Public Health. Tulchinsky H. Theodore, Varavikova A. Elena: 2000 Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Week 5: Topic: PROMOTING PUBLIC HEALTH AND DISEASE PREVENTION 1.Assessment and evaluation of populous health 2. Defining priorities in public health and promotion of public health and disease prevention as primary course of action for the preparation of legal regulations in the public health sector 3. Legal regulations for specific community health risks: improper nutrition, tobacco consumption, drugs, alcohol, medicine, bioterrorism, non contagious diseases, mental health, HIV/AIDS etc. Methodology:Lectures and exercises Number of hours for topic: 4hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Additional literature:
Law on Mental Health - Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Health
HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections
Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Methodology:Lectures and exercises Number of hours for topic: 4hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Additional Literature: 1.Law on the terms for acquisition, exchange, transfer and transplantation of human body parts for the purpose of healing 2.Human Rights and Biomedicine Convention 3.Protocol for the Human Rights and Biomedicine Convention for human organ and tissue transplantation
Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours
Week 7: Topic: LEGAL PROBLEMS IN PRACTICING CERTAIN MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS 1. Biomedical technological aids for reproduction
Methodology:Lectures and exercises Number of hours for topic: 4hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Additional Literature: 1.Law on Patients Rights Protection 2. Practitioner’s Guide for Patients Rights, OSI Foundation-Medical Faculty 3.Law on biological aided fertilization 4.Convention for Human Rights and Biomedicine for the Ban of Cloning Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Methodology:Lectures and exercises Number of hours for topic: 4,5hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Additional Literature: 1.Law on patients rights protection 2. Practitioner’s Guide for Patients Rights, OSI Foundation-Medical Faculty 3.Law on biologically aided fertilization 4..Council of Europe: Ethical eye: Biomedical Research, CoE, 2004 Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Week9: Topic:BIOETICHAL AND LEGAL MEDICAL ASPECTS OF PUBLICH HEALTH PRIORITIES 1. Criminal behavior prevention in the field of voluntary sterilization, abortion, in vitro fertilization, artificial fertilization, euthanasia, transplantation and research over people, cloning and limitations 2. Patient care: modern medicine, traditional medicine, alternative medicine 3. Legal and ethical principles for utilization of IT and resources in public health institutions 4. Legal and ethical aspects of human rights(EuropeanCharterofPatients Rights and the Macedonian Law on Patients Rights) 5. International Cooperation: organization, legislation and conventions for human rights Methodology:Lectures and exercises Number of hours for topic: 4,5hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: Relevant chapters from the textbook Law and Public Additional Literature: 1.Law on Patients Rights Protection 2. Practitioner’s Guide for Patients Rights, OSI Foundation-Medical Faculty 3.EuropeanCharterofPatients Rights 4.Medical Code of Deontology 5. Law on Pregnancy Termination Estimated time for preparation: 2-3 hours |
Week10: Discussions and preparation for Essays on given topics Number of hours for topic: 4hours (lectures) Lecturer(s): Literature: after prior consultation with teachers, depending on selected topics. Estimated time for preparation: 3-4hours. |
Other activities:
- seminars, consultations, visiting relevant institutions etc.