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Russia: Patient "M"

  • Author: St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies (MAPS) Faculty


Patient M. on 30.01.1996 visited Tevris hospital for testing for hepatitis in framework of a screening. He was found to have serological signs of hepatitis B and C but was not informed about that. On 23.11.1998 he was called to infectious diseases specialist of the Tevris hospital and informed that he has hepatitis B and C. Physician proposed hospitalization but explained that the hospital has no drugs to treat his disease. In March, 1999 his wife suddenly jaundiced and he was started to have auditory hallucinations and contacted hospital where she was prescribed tranquilizers. In June 1999 spouses contacted infectious diseases hospital N 1 where they were explained dangerousness of the disease and transmission routes. They asked for transfer to diagnostic center where, after reviewing analysis results physician diagnosed wife with acute hepatitis B and C and chronic one in husband.

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